Credit Card Embarassmant-How To Avoid It
By Bryon Zirker
You are at a fine jewelry store buying an very expensive
piece of beautiful jewelry for your wife, and oops, your
credit card is rejected. You think in your head and maybe
mumble to the clerk that you pay your bills on time and
the price is well within your credit limit... so you ask what
happened? In short, your credit card company may be
protecting you from possible fraud and identity theft.
Card issuers regularly monitor and track your usual
spending habits (certain law enforcement agencies use
this to track criminals also). If an out of character charge
comes up for a big-ticket item or many purchases all at
once in a store, or many different stores you don't normally
frequent, the charges could be denied. Same thing if you
use your card overseas or in a different part of the country.
Avoid having this happen, notify your credit card company
ahead of time before making a big purchase or traveling. It
just makes sense.