Tuesday, March 04, 2008

United States Government Irresponsible?........Naaaaaaaa!

By Bryon Zirker

I know we are all looking forward to the promised rebate
checks from good old uncle sam. He wants us all to run out
and buy the latest stuff out there. This is supposed to
revive the economy. Fools making decisions on a hard night
of drinking, I say.

Here is a better scenario.

After seeing record-high home foreclosures, credit card
delinquencies, and auto loan delinquencies with no sure
end in sight, people should be tightening, cutting debt
and building savings and investments. This will do more
and go further than any rush to spend. Our leaders
continually practice and promote reckless behavior which
is not setting a very good example for the people. So
don't listen to them.

Use that rebate money to pay down credit. No outstanding
debt, good for you. Put that extra cash into savings or
invest it.


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